It's been a while since I've seen an application that I actually liked, but Citrus Alarm Clock really impressed me. This alarm clock excels through a combination of simplicity, effectiveness and user comfort.
There are a lot of things that impressed me when I tried out Citrus Alarm Clock. I liked the fact that it will take your computer out of sleep mode in order to trigger the alarm at a specific hour; I enjoyed the fact that you can trigger the snooze function by pressing space and I even found the error in the changelog file funny.
Since the last time it was reviewed by our site, Citrus Alarm Clock has suffered a lot of improvements. Some of the most important ones include the facts that it supports a lot more audio formats than it used to, that you can now set a maximum volume for your alarms and that the sound fading effect will still be enabled even after you trigger the snooze action.
All that being said, Citrus Alarm Clock is a tool that I would full-heartedly recommend. It's not pricy at all, it does its job really well and you have complete control over every aspect of the application.